Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Madness

It was all about the birthday madness over here a few days ago. I celebrated the big "25", and yes, I do feel older. I am now closer to 30. Boo!!!

Another form of madness? The concoction of meds I am now on. Holy Moses. I know my doctor said it would take a couple of weeks to get use to these bad boys, but wow. For the first week, it felt like my soul was melting. After the first night of meds, I couldn't really function and had to take the day off. My whole body shook, I was dizzy, couldn't see, was extremely weak and very nauseous. Every day has been some form of that, only lessened. Except for the "not sleeping" part. I take my pills, pass out for a couple of hours, and wake up shaking and flailing. Most nights I get about 4 hours. Yuuuuuuck. It is getting better though, and I hope to be normal this coming week.
Workin' it.
Also, they are making me drink 32 oz of water and hold it for an hour for my ultrasound (NOT PREGNANT RELATED) and I am sorry, but are you freaking kidding me? I am a peeing machine.

But back to the birthday. Most of the day I felt horrible, so it was mostly laying and napping. But the Boy had other plans. He had invited a bunch of our friends over for a dinner/party. He even cooked for the first time ever. This really worried me. We had mountains of pasta everywhere. And all of my friends kept arriving. I didn't know I had so many friends! I received great presents and ate wonderful pie, and had an awesome time. Blaker even got me a new Charles Owen Wellington Pro helmet to show in! I think I need to play dress up in it first though....
Well hello there!
I had two days where I felt up to riding Bacon. The day before, she was wonderful and light and moving comfortably. The next day, Blake took pictures, and she was zoom zoomin' everywhere. I have been working on riding her forward into contact and getting her to lift in the front. This is difficult for me, because as a western rider, we are always looking to get the horse to pretty much avoid contact and run around on a free rein with their head in a "collected" type position. So don't laugh at me. Because I am a noob, but I WILL figure this out.

And I may have purchased an ogilvy pad with my tax return....
Soon to be riding in comfort and style...


  1. Happy Birthday! Bacon looks like she has a great, uphill canter! You guys look awesome!
    I hope the meds start helping instead of hindering and that you feel better soon.

  2. Happy birthday!! I hope everything evens out for you soon med-wise. :)

  3. Happy Birthday! Enjoy the Ogivly I'm jealous :)

  4. MOUNTAINS of pasta! Yay Ogilvy!!!!!!!

  5. Happy Birthday, sorry you don't feel well BUT an Ogilvy- jealous!!!
