Yep. I'm still here.
Whoa. It's Bacon. |
And there are COPIOUS amounts of things that have happened in the last few months. But I still have my four girls, and I am about to have even less money.
Why is that, you say?
Well damnit, we are getting our first house. WOO!
Roxy Moo says this is a good house. |
It is just under an acre. But it already has a hay barn, shelter for two, and a small pasture. And room for a tiny arena. Don't you worry, I will make it awesome. And even the dogs have approved it.
So, what have you missed?
Let's see. Bacon continued to be lame. But continued to get better. Started Pandora on actual reining work (put sliders on too, wee!). She was good. Tried to work on sliders with Lucy. Stopped and slid so hard she scared herself. Took a step back. Rode some race horses (all by myself, poorly). Felt amazing after riding said crazies. Mostly rode Vegas bareback all spring and summer. Hung out at racetrack all summer. Blake got an internship working on hospital software with a cool company. Started house hunting process. Went to the Utah Motocross Races and Lagoon with four boys (stench everywhere).
Bacon becomes magically healed. Meaty (my english mastiff) tore his ACL. And now trying to buy our house.
Poor Meaty Man! |
And the lovely Lindsey from
My Mojito has nominated me for some Sunshine Award thing. So, I guess this is what I am supposed to do.
Wow. Look at all of that sunshine. |
1. Mares or geldings? I think my mares would put the smack down on me if I didn't say mares. But you know, my heart still longs for my first horse Booger, the incredible gelding. I love both. What the hell.
2. English or Western? Oh geez. Both for ALL OF THE THINGS. Well, I feel like I fit better with the western crowd. I try and like the challenge of learning all of the fun english things. But getting a horse to spin in a western saddle, and playing with cows is so much fun! But so is jumping things!
3. Younger or older horses? Younger I suppose. The oldest horse we have is the Lucy Goose. And she is wonderful, but it is so nice to start a horse from the beginning. Because, if your horse turns out weird, it is your own fault.
4. Have you trained a horse from ground zero? Yep! And I am talking not even able to touch, never been handled fun.
5. Do you prefer riding or ground work? Hate doing ground work. Hate horses with horrible ground manners. Hand them over to Blake (who loves groundwork and is amazing at it).
6. Do you board your horse or keep him/her at home? Home-ish.
7. Do you use all natural things or commercial stuff (the products you use)? How about things that are on sale or in my budget. Yeah, that's better.
8. All tacked up or bareback? Bareback on a comfy horse, saddles are for withers.
9. Equestrian role model? Oh so many. Almost every person I ride with. They always know something that you don't.
10. What is your one main goal while in the horse world? Well let's see. I would love to compete in a freestyle reining class. And complete a jump course without looking like a cattywompoid bimbo.
So there you have it. First blog back in a while. Hopefully I won't disappear again.
Me on Rothstein. Going faster than we need to, as usual. |