
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Jump Jump Competition Day Two

Smiles all around!
Sunday I was again awake at 4am. The nerves were still there but lessoned. This may have been due to my complete exhaustion from the previous day. It was ever present as I got to the arena still and looked at the course maps. Course A looked like it would be quite fun to ride. Some rollbacks here and there and it flowed a bit better compared to the courses the day before. I focused on course A because that is all my brain could handle.
Linds= trainer lady, inhaler holder, water giver, course yeller when needed, and even color coordinated.
I hopped on Bacon and slowly walked and trotted around the warm up ring just to try and wake up. I watched the 2'6" riders go and tried to muster up some strength and excitement for my upcoming rides. Fortunately, it came back as I finally entered the ring. The judge recognized us and my smile (she commented on it every time we went in) and Bacon caught onto the "game" we had been playing that weekend.
The outside line remained. And was no longer scary.

Fun rollback to this jump I deemed as the "mustard and ketchup jump".
We had to do a tight left rollback into our first jump, and I wanted to make sure we wouldn't be taking the first rail down this time. I tried to keep her up instead of falling forward and kicking to the jump. It worked, and we didn't take the damn thing down! Actually, we never took the first rail down at all that day. We jumped clear and made it to the jump off. Unfortunately, we had a rail down in our jump off, as both my horse and I were very excited racing around and we got a bit flat. All my fault.
Brick wall to oxer...

Over the start jump here!

We made it to three of the four jump offs. And we had a rail down in two of our three jump offs. We had a rail down in one of our 3'0" rounds due to placing my foot wrong in my stirrup (I have a giant goose egg on my shin and when I place my foot wrong in the stirrup, shooting pains radiate through my leg). It was a shock of pain and I just fumbled along the rest of that ride. Sorry Bacon!
Mid turn. Apparently I lost my seat a little bit. 

Prepare for launch in 3...2...1...

Easy end jump.
But the last ride was sort of our best. I say sort of because we were on the incorrect lead pretty much the whole round, but we went double clear. It felt nice to come out of there without any rails. Bacon had to save my ass on several occasions that day because I would put her in a weird spot, but she got it done. She realized that the start jump was the same for every round too, and couldn't wait to rail around the turn to get over the first jump. She figured out this new game and thought it was terribly fun. She made it super fun.
Ears forward to the next jump.

Saving my ass over the oxer.
We ended up with a second and third in the 2'9" division and a second and sixth in the 3'0" division, with a reserve champion ribbon as well for the weekend. I would say it was a very successful weekend and it was way better than I thought it would turn out. And well worth the sickness I am feeling now trying to recover from the weekend.
Too much fun!


  1. Yay for more awesome pictures and satin! Congrats on such a great show :)

  2. Hooray! You guys look seriously awesome and these pictures are gawgeous.

  3. Awesome photos as always! You guys look amazing!

  4. LOVE these photos, LOVE you, LOVE Bacon, LOVE the color-coordination....LOVE all the satin you won! Great job!!!

  5. You look sooo happy! Love this! Go you! Go Bacon!

  6. Super successful! I love how much fun it seems y'all are having :)

  7. So in love with both you and Bacon's expressions! You guys looks great together!

  8. Your smile in that last photo says it all!! Huge congrats on how awesome you guys did last weekend!

  9. What a mare!! Sounds like a really awesome show.

    vaguely relevant: I know Bacon probably already has a show name, but jumping bacon to me screams "When Pigs Fly"!! :D

    1. Ha! That is a good one. But yes, she does have her show name. USEA registered as 'She Sizzles". :)

  10. What a great weekend! Phenomenal photos!

  11. I name my jumps too! At home we have a "hotel" jump because the plant underneath looks like it belongs in a hotel lobby lol! We also have McDonalds (red, yellow & white stripes)

  12. Congrats!! Excellent photos and especially that last one with such a great smile. So glad you and Bacon had fun!

  13. woo hoo - congrats on all the awesome satin! you guys look fabulous :D

  14. Awesome photos! Looking great. Good girl Bacon, and good riding, you :)

  15. Looked great! LOVED all the pictures showing how happy y'all both are. ☺

  16. In reference to both show recaps, you are awesome! There's not many people that could go to their first jumper show on an inexperienced horse and make it through a 3' course. Especially with Lyme Disease and Asthma. Also, I'd say that you would definitely win best dressed :)

    1. All of this. Over and over.

      I mean, I can't even get my horse to the damn show in the first place.

  17. Yahoo!! Sounds like overall a win win!!

    Love that she was having a blast and that you enjoyed it too!!

    Looks and sounds like you guys killed it!!

  18. Congrats!!! You and Bacon both look totally awesome and like you're having so much fun :)

  19. So matchey-matchey. Looking badass, as per usual!

  20. I think I love Bacon photos more than most things in life.

    Love the "Sizzle"
