
Friday, May 8, 2015

An Update on Petey: Bacon's Brother

Screenshot from the special rider's instagram account...because I don't want to give away the fun yet...
So I about lost my mind when the ol' redheadlins tagged me in a video on Instagram last week. I watched the video over and over, carefully studying the horse as he looked like somebody I once knew and loved. Or, let's face it, still love. And because I am dumb sometimes and can't brain, I didn't even look at the tags on it. I asked that Peter? Yes, yes it was.

And who was guiding him over the massive oxer? Why, that would be Holly Payne.
Holly Payne and Never Outfoxed at Rolex. Photo by Nancy Jaffer.
You know, that rider that just went to Rolex and snagged a 20th place on another OTTB, Never Outfoxed.
Ok, now I can tell you her instagram account. Video still from @hollypayneequestrian.
I freaked out even more and showed Blake. Mostly I was just happy that Peter (dubbed with the new name of Bruges when he was purchased off the track) was doing so very well. I knew that he moved with his owner to New Jersey and I figured I wouldn't see much of him again. Like the nerd I am, I messaged Holly and sent her some pictures of when he was at the track and told her how much his track family missed him. I learned that his owner is currently pregnant, so she will be training and competing him.
Love from Linds after his race back in the day.

Hi buddy. We miss you.
She also said how much she loved him and how he was a very cool horse and if we had any more like him to let her know and she would try them out. Well, I have one, but you can't have her. Anyways, I can't wait to keep track of his progress. He is making the move up to prelim currently, and most of the photos and videos of him on instagram are littered with hashtags #wantstogotorolex or something similar. And you better bet your ass if he makes it there, that I will be there too to cheer him on! You can follow along too if you would like by following Holly's instagram account.
Husband and Petey at Golden Gate.


  1. That is so cool. :-D I will follow her. And go to Rolex with you.

  2. Oh that is so cool! Holly is super :)

  3. Bacon just got even more famous by association!

  4. That is awesome!!

  5. that's so exciting - it must be super rewarding to see a beloved horse go so far so soon!! plus, ya know, the potential implications for Bacon :D

  6. Wow! What an excellent update. Go Petey!

  7. How freaking cool is that!

    Also they look a lot alike :D

  8. How cool to get to see where he is now and follow him!!! :)

  9. OMG! That is so ridiculously cool!!

  10. I am so late to the party but this is frickin awesome!!!!
