So much majestic going on here |
I have been roughed up quite a bit this past week. And while I'll accept 1-3 times a week of injuries or close calls, I am a little worn out. Let's see. There was the crunching of the hands through the welding gloves by a psycho feral flying cat some guy dropped off to be spayed, the two
highly close kicks thrown my direction (one to stomach, one to leg) by the fiery red racehorse Heat Man, the great attempt to take off my ear by the stupid black tard Tribal Money, the oh so affectionately named "Waffles" (AKA Waafir) tried to lift me up by my shoulder skin and offered another close kick while getting him ready for his race, and the holding onto of a rather ugly faced-pretty bodied one eyed monster that was claimed by another trainer who tried to rear and strike.
Heat Man. You look cute, but you suck. |
Yeah...something is missing here... |
I don't want to play anymore. Knock it off.
Dr. C swears that I am looking death in the face on a daily basis. Maybe so, but such is life.
How about you stare at this face mom? |
Meanwhile, my body has decided to be weird again. Not like it wasn't weird at all before, but I have some new symptoms. The past couple of weeks, my left arm will start to tremble uncontrollably off and on. Some days are better than others. I did not sleep a lick last week until I invested in some over the counter sleeping pills. Those suckers knocked me on my ass pretty good. This morning involved sleeping 11 hours (unheard of) and trying to stand up from the bed which resulted in falling to the floor due to an extreme weakness and dizziness. And difficulty breathing. Roxy moo stayed by my side while I very sadly made an attempt to reach the couch. After a bit, I was able to feed some pretty pissed off ponies and drive to work. I sure do hate going into the doctor's office, but I don't know what to think of this.
Black tard and handsome boy and red boy. |
Black bastard runs third. |
Training rookie Chris with the easy Grunchie. |
Blaker going dirt skiing with Mean Maxx. |
And the Grunch gets the gold! |
Oh yeah, and Roxy Moo was playing with Meatball when he caught her with his tooth and lacerated her. Oh boy!
i iz a shark. |
No contest here. |
How do I have all of the majestic beasts? |
Strike a pose Moo! |
Good thing you are cute Archimedes. |
I don't even. |
So, needless to say, there hasn't been too much riding the past week, and I am feeling the need to get back in the saddle to prepare for Rafter K, my next cross country clinic and derby! SO EXCITED.
The Goose is still fancy! |
Such a smooth ride. |
My show pony has turned wild mustang. |
And I really really want to get my other girls home. I miss them so much. We tried to prepare their paddock area, but couldn't get the tractor started. Doesn't matter anyway because we noticed the damn thing has a flat tire. I ordered a portable car shelter as their temp. shelter. I think I may just slap some panels together, throw up the carport and just release them in the mass amount of weeds anyways. They need to come home.