
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

If You Are Bored...

...and want a laugh. Here are our videos from the Spokane Sport Horse Trials. You can tell that we are clearly still pretty new at all of this, but we are making progress. I am still so exhausted from that weekend. I don't know if it was a combo of the cold wet weather, emotional flooding, and riding the 5 times in four days, but I just haven't recovered like I did from my first horse trial. I don't think the cold rainy weather that we have been experiencing since then has helped either. My joints are PISSED.

I can't quite escape the discomfort that my body is throwing at me currently. My legs (muscles, joints, everything) have just been radiating pain. From my hips down into my feet. Sometimes I try to take some hydrocodone to see if it will help, and doesn't even do the trick. Add that to feeling weak and some angry lungs, and you get me on a couch all day. I hate it.

Anyways, I was a little hesitant to put these on here, but why not? We are certainly not pros (but we DIDN'T come home with a bloody mouth) and it will be fun to compare to our future horse trials. I am already pouting on having to wait until May or June to do our next one. But I am determined to get there. God willing. Camelot may even be on our agenda if we are lucky!

To help raise some funds to get to some of these shows, I did a photo shoot of a great gal and her handsome jumper. I think we got a few nice photos, though they are still currently being edited, but I hope she will be happy with them. Photos are a little easier for me to do, but I still might offer paintings too. I have been working on the same one for MONTHS because there is just so much detail to put in it, and tremory hands do not help. So I think my next ones will be expressionistic, and I may have to paint Bacon as a sample to see how it turns out. We shall see.

I will add a note that you should always make friends with your husband's friend (not ho-like, just make them cookies and stuff) because sometimes they buy you things. Like knock-off Dubarrys, Kitchen Aid Mixers, and the most recent gift, a black with grey binding Ogilvy dressage baby pad. Thanks Kansas husband friend! When I feel a little better, I am testing that new prize out right away.


  1. My husband must not have the right kind of friends, haha. Great videos! Hopefully you start feeling better asap so you can keep planning out your next trials. You and Bacon look terrific!

    1. He has good friends. Well, most of them are good. Not all of them buy me pretty things!

  2. It sounds like your husband has the greatest friends!

    1. Sometimes they even bring me beef jerky! They are keepers.

  3. I love Bacon! Also, that hill from 4-5 on XC looks so steep, thank goodness you didn't have to go down it! Yay for husband friends :-) Feel better soon! You two look so fantastic, it's great you were able to get out and do this event!

    1. That was a steep hill, but she just powered right on up. On the helmet cam, you can see we had to go down a fairly steep hill with a jump on it. That was the one I was most worried about because of mud, but she did great.

  4. congrats again - and thanks for sharing the videos, you guys really look great!! i LOVE Bacon's sweet reaction to the air vest, and the cheers and your smile at the end of stadium. seriously hoping you feel better soon!

    1. I am pretty sure the air vest scared me more than her. It felt like I was shot with a gun and it was weird to try and breathe with it on. I just kind of stood there, pondering my next move after I turned off the helmet cam. Like a dork.

  5. sfgojhb [oisgn \

    it's a super literate day over here

  6. Sorry you are slow to recover from the last go round...I was actually just thinking that I still need to have your draw my two ponies!

    1. It's kicking my ass! But it was worth it. And your ponies are the cutest!

  7. She looks SO much steadier in her dressage test! You guys are definitely going to come out ready to slay next year!

    1. Ha, she did, until our little spaz attack in the right lead canter! More lessons are in our future so that we can kick more ass.

  8. You guys KICKED BUTT at that HT! Hope you are feeling better very soon!

    1. We tried! As for me, I think I need to visit a hot tub.

  9. You guys rock!
    I hope you start to feel better soon & I really wish I lived nearer to avail of your epic photog skills 😍😍😍
