
Tuesday, May 24, 2016


I promised I would share our radiographs with you all when I got them, and here they are! First I will share the view of the left front. This is a DV (dorsal ventral) view, or view from above shooting down at the foot.

You can see there is a nice smooth navicular bone. It is one single piece. Next is the skyline view, or a shot from behind and up, at the same foot. She moved a little bit, so it isn't terribly clear.

Again, nice smooth navicular bone.

Here is our DV view of the right front. I placed an arrow where you can clearly see the two different bones, instead of one smooth bone.

And our skyline view.

And for kicks, a lateral of the right front. I get a little overwhelmed when I try to read about hoof angles and what everything should look like in there. Hopefully it is where it should be.

So, there you have it. I get to test ride her today (Tuesday!) and see what we have. That might be a little difficult given that she has no shoes on yet (farrier had to have a little surgery last week) so we will see what she thinks about that. Hopefully she is feeling better! She seems pretty chipper and, of course, just keeps on weaving. That's her theme song.
You are not funny, mom.
Just keep weaving. Just keep weaving. Just keep weaving weaving weaving...


  1. ... I can't see a difference at all omg. halp.

  2. holy moly :( well hopefully she feels good when you get on!!

  3. Very interesting and thank you for sharing! I hope she is feeling loads better

  4. That's actually really interesting... Fingers crossed things get better for you both and you return to your normally scheduled program soon.
