
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

More Moto Madness

I went out with my husband on Saturday for some moto fun. I thought I was riding on the back with him and playing photographer. He had other ideas. His little crf 80 was brought for me to ride around. I also had to wear his old gear because mine magically disappeared. Regardless, I came to take some pictures dangit! And sadly, none are of me. I did also have one asthma attack, which was frustrating. But it is so hard to keep up with the boys!

There goes husband. Dressed awesomely because of me.

This region is also known for its very large badger population.

Vlad is also dressed to impress because of me.

Not even sure what happened here.

The sagebrush adds so much texture to the photo.

There's a reason I didn't get any photos from behind the corner.

Lap times!

My little borrowed bike in the middle.


  1. Awesome photos! That looks like SO MUCH FUN! I'll have to show my hubby later - he loves ripping around like that on his ATV and would loooove a bike!

  2. I want to do that.

    Only like, on a horse.

  3. Very large *honey badger population. You guys are nuts!
