
Monday, April 20, 2015


Not totally, but naked of the nose bra! And back to riding. Heck yes.

After my doctor's appointment last Wednesday, I learned that I was healing slightly slower than most, lost 5lbs in 5 days, and got my stents taken out. Also, sneezing feels like your brain is being ripped through your nose at a high velocity speed. Ow. Don't do it.

Thursday I wanted to ride, but husband wouldn't let me. But Friday, I dressed for success in hopes he might change his mind. And he did. So Bacon and I dressaged.

Well first we had to wait for Blake to turn off the buffer. Blake on a ladder using a buffer= instant Bacon death. I told him to wait until I tacked her up and she would be fine after I hopped on. And I was correct. She does not like being tied up when there are scary things, but when I am on her, things aren't as scary anymore. Sissy lala.

Anyways, we started where we had left off and worked on transitions some more, as well as a good cadence to our trot and canter. And our free walk. I tried to keep myself loose so I wasn't bracing against her. And I kept losing my stirrups again. Sigh. She was really really good though and I thoroughly enjoyed our ride.

After, Blake tortured her with the buffer again and ended up being able to touch her with it. Even when it was on. She really didn't want it to touch her, but she dealt with it. Plus, my horse shed superfast.


  1. YAY! Glad to see you back in the saddle :) And wow, Bacon is so shiny!!

  2. I love how much you are smiling!

  3. So glad to hear you had a good ride!

  4. Woohoo you both look awesome, she shine off B is stunning!
    Hope the healing speeds up and you feel nothing but relief following the surgery

  5. That's awesome you're back in the saddle! :)

  6. Glad your recovery is going smoothly and you're back in the saddle. Also, jealous that Bacon is so shiny already... haha my horse is a large, dirty, hairy fluff monster still.

  7. Yay! Glad you're back in the saddle :)

  8. yay for feeling better and riding!! also - did i read that correctly that you groomed your horse with a buffer??? haha awesome

  9. Yay riding!! You both look great and I'm SO jealous of your shiny Bacon! My pony is still a yak. -_-

  10. Um, Miles is JUST starting to blow out his winter coat. I'm super jealous of sleek n shiney Bacon rn.

  11. Glad to hear you are back at it! Great picture-love the last trotting one :)
