
Thursday, February 12, 2015

TT: Buckpasser-Bacon.

Oh look, it is another addition of throwback Thursday lineage style! And this time we are going waaaay back to Bacon's great great grandsire, Buckpasser.

It is not uncommon for all of you with OTTB's to have this guy pop up somewhere. He was a racing machine and also great in the breeding shed as well. If you are curious, keep on reading!

Born in 1963 and bred by Ogden Phipps, the young bay colt came from royalty. Sired by Tom Fool (Horse of the Year over Native Dancer) and out of a distance mare (Busanda), he was bred to make history. He inherited his sire's speed, but also had the heart and guts of his mother and was able to win in longer races such as the Jockey Club Gold Cup and the Travers Stakes.
Love his face in this picture
The colt was tall and lanky (sound like someone we know?) and battled with quarter cracks and knee issues. He stood at 16.3HH (also sounding familiar) and always seemed balanced. He was one of Richard Stone Reeves (famous equine artist) most favorite horses to paint. Loved his conformation and his demeanor. It was said that a child could handle him in the stable. But on the track, he was a monster to hold steady.
Saratoga Stakes win.
His first race, he ran fourth. He was known to sometimes come a little too close with his battles at the front, and was a freight train come from behind runner. Quarter cracks kept him out of the triple crown races. He was also the winner of a Horse of the Year title at three. He had 31 starts, and finished first 25 times, second 4 times and third once, leaving him out of the money only one time. He earned $1,462,014.

As far as his progeny go, he sired five champions. They could compete on either dirt or turf and usually got better as the distances got longer. But mostly, he was a great sire of fillies, who then turned around and become wonderful broodmares. They have produced some of the greatest horses to ever hit the track. Two were broodmare of the year. He later died of a ruptured aorta on March 6, 1978 at the young age of 15.
Cute older man version!
Not the best picture of Bacon. I will have to retake one!


  1. It's pretty amazing how much she is built like him! Both her and him are my favorite types of build for horses. I love this lineage series :)

  2. I agree they have very similar angles!

  3. very cool!! wonder why he was featured in the baltimore sun - was he from around here?

  4. I've actually never heard of this guy, but what a hunk!

  5. Love the walk down pedigree memory lane for your horses ☺

  6. Love Buckpasser! What's Bacon's JC name? I'm so curious about lineage! My guy is by Golden Missile -- AP Indy!
