
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Leaping and Lunging

While I have only been strong enough to ride one horse, I have been lunging the other three. This probably seems unfair to the others (I promise you they don't seem to mind) but the horse I am going to be competing on this year is Bacon. And we need a lot of work and she requires a lot of energy for me to ride. But the others need love and fitness too! So enter, the lunge line.

Last night I was able to watch the hubs lunge two of his and he took pictures of me lunging Vegas. We thought we would see what would happen if we introduced them to a small jump. I am having a hard time typing today, so I will just leave you with pictures. *I know some of you don't like lunging, and I am totally ok with that. I just hope you are ok with me using it as a means to keep some form of fitness and work with my girls. They may look chaotic, but they actually seem to enjoy this game!

Hooray! I love to lunge!

Especially with my father because he lets me do the crazy rollbacks.

I can coil.

And I can look like a cutter.




It's the Goose's turn.

The most effort she put over this jump.

Eyeballing her father.

I raised it so she would put more effort in.

There we go!

Love for his girl.

This face. I don't even.

She is also cutter bred. 

Weeee some more!

Hairy beast 1.

Hairy beast 2.

Hairy beast 3.

Go Vegas go!


  1. Wheeeeee!! Fun times :) your husband always looks like he's having these secret discussions w his horses lol

  2. I don't think there is anything wrong with lunging if you do it correctly. I don't see any overly sweaty horses and I don't see horses who are being worked past their limitations in those photos. *shrugs* I have used lunging in the past as a means to exercise and I see nothing wrong with it.

  3. Love these photos! I love lunging as long as it's done correctly (: My bay loves loves loves lunging and playing on the line.

  4. The Goose is so cute over the fences!!

  5. I'm glad you can at least ride! That's important. Your other ponies will understand! And go hubs! Where can I get me one of those?!

  6. Looks like all are having fun! Glad to find your blog through Riding on Water.

  7. I don't think there's anything wrong with lunging, especially in your situation! These pictures are great :)

  8. Youre horsies are the prettiest beasties! And oh so agile!


  9. I don't think I want to ride Pandora over a jump. Nope. They are all cute though.
