
Monday, February 23, 2015

Happy 9th Birthday Moo!

I iz old.
Roxy Moo turns 9 today! And for a great dane, that is considered a senior citizen. I have a hard time looking at her that way, because she still goes tearing around yard or pasture and has that spry look to her.
My brother never catches me.

Nope. Too slow.

I am good at modeling.
She has slowed down only a little bit. She doesn't seem to have any trouble getting up and laying down and that makes me so happy. I have seen so many danes that have come into the clinic that were sad and stiff and decrepid at only 6 years of age. Or less. So I am extremely happy to have my girl here with me looking and feeling the way she does.
I told you. I am the best model.
I am also weird.

Ok, maybe I can't be a model all of the time.

Strange faces.

Brother is heavy.

Time for you exam fake dawg. 

Serious face.

Can I help you? No?

I am going to continue reading then,

I don't need a life jacket like that tard.


I only wade.

Another birthday that passed would have been Booger's 15th birthday. I miss that red boy and wonder what life would be like if he was still here.
I miss you.


  1. Wait. A life jacket for a Mastiff?! That is too amazing.

    And I love your Moo-Dane <3 She is beautiful. Here's to many more years!

  2. Happy bday Moo! Happy bday to your red boy in horsey heaven :)

  3. Man she's cute! My springer turned 9 last October and I'm just now noticing he's getting a little bit slow.

  4. I love Moo. Shes so beautiful. Happy birthday Moo!

  5. Happy birthday you adorable Moo you!

  6. She's gorgeous. I would kill to have a Dane someday. Not sure when that will happen though!

  7. She's a great model :) Happy birthday Moo!

  8. happy b-day Moo!!! gorgeous pictures!
