
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

How Do I Say Goodbye (Gross Pictures Included. And I mean gross.)

Not what all assistants do at work. But I assure you, we are all weird.
Unfortunately, I believe my time has come for my vet life to come to an end. I get asked all of the time about why I am still working. I love helping animals. The people I work with are pretty awesome. Most of the clients are great. It can be such a rewarding job. I have accomplished and learned so many things.
The appropriately named "Harry".

A cyst. Kind of like a giant zit.
I have been in the business for over 7 years. Our wonderful doctor took a chance hiring an 18 year old fresh out of high school and just starting college. I had only worked at one other job (KB Toys) so my experience was pretty much none. The clinic was pretty intimidating, but I was determined to figure this assistant thing out. Because I don't like failing.
Another view of Blobert. He was made out of three lypomas.


We scanned the clinic cat.
I made quite a few mistakes in the beginning, and was always nervous around the doctors and a handful of co-workers. Being there only part time made it difficult for me to remember things. My Border Collie, Sneakers, became very ill within the year I was working there. She had severe renal failure and hung on for me as long as she could, but passed away at the clinic while I was in class. One of the co-workers was bullying me and I was feeling pretty low, but I didn't want her to win so I pushed through.
I love newfies!

No, not an alien. That's a spleen.

And spleens are not supposed to look like that.
And I kept pushing. And then we hired some wonderful new people over time, and the bully left. They brought my spirits up and encouraged me and we became more of a family. I got to see amazing things. I got to scrub in on surgeries (my favorite!) and battle cats made of pure evil. I got to clean teeth and clean up some of the most rancid poo messes you had ever seen. I got to see lives saved (sometimes with the help of my great dane's blood!) and feel them slip away in my arms. I saw the smiles of thankful owners and the pain in the ones who were on the losing end.
Or like this. Oh yes, the spleen queen is weird.

I made an outfit for Squid (AKA Cleo). She retaliated by making me allergic to her.

Spleen Simmons. I know, I have issues.
This is not easy for me. Not easy at all. But I now live in a state of condition where I work my minimal shifts, and come home exhausted and in pain. Sometimes I break down from how weak I feel when I get home. Sometimes I don't even make it home, and this stupid disease cripples me at work. I feel sick every day and it takes me a long time to recover from a day at work. I had a battle with a dog on Saturday that left me vomiting afterwards from over-working my body and then I slept for 21 hours on Sunday. I had planned a day with the ponies and my husband, but it took a lot to wake me up and help going to the bathroom instead. Clients ask if I am tired or sick when they see me. My days are spent working and recovering instead of living. And after the husband got to be with me every day for a week, he got to see just how sick I can get. He did not like it.
Penny and her little boobies.

Oh look, another spleen.

Yep. Another.

She didn't want to walk.
A ruptured spleen. Makes things extra interesting in surgery.
The clinic and my co-workers have made those years awesome for me. There is no way I could ever repay them for all they have done. I will miss my clients and patients, but I will really miss my team. My cat wranglin', dog wrestlin', poo and pee and whatever else cleaner uppers, animal savers, dealers with crazy people, and so many other things. I hope they won't forget me or be spiteful with me leaving. But it is time to try and live life the correct way. It is time to heal.
No words can be said.


Yeah, that is a cat's butt. Please don't let them eat tinsel. 

And also, please don't let them get this big (32lb). 
Thank you Eastgate for all of the learning, growing, and memories!

I am...A nurse, an anesthesiologist, an x-ray technician, a candy striper, a maid, a janitor, a surgery assistant, a loving hand, a pharmacist, a teacher, 
a mortician, a coroner, a shoulder to cry on, a friend to cry with, a sucker for a furry face, a lover of all pets, a face to lick, a midwife, a delivery nurse, 
a Lamaze couch, a dental hygienist, a mediator, a vet's best friend, a pet's bestfriend, a babysitter, a physical therapist, a mother, a father, a playmate,
a chew toy,a protector...
I can...Make the pain go away, save a life, see what's wrong, clean anything, fill drug orders, show the right way, end suffering, give kisses, get kisses, 
clean teeth, bring someone to do the right thing...
I have...A strong stomach, a big heart, a thoughtful mind, the strength to do the right thing even if it hurts, the ability to fall in love in 5 seconds, and
the deepest love for all creatures...
I am a Veterinary Technician. 
Poem by Kelly Stone


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful job, but you have to get yourself feeling 100% I'm sure your team will keep in touch! :)
    I wish I got to play with spleens at my job :P

  2. That sounds really hard but also like you're making the right decision. You have to get better before you can get back to helping others!

  3. I can't imagine how hard this must be, but it really sounds like you are making the right choice. You have to help yourself first right? Hugs!

  4. This makes me sad - sad because I know how hard it must be for you. Although we don't know eachother I've been thinking of you and hoping you are getting better. Hugs.

  5. They can't grudge you, you are too sweet and amazing and too sick, we have to get you better and work is not helping right now. You need all the relaxing and pony adventures to heal your body and soul.

  6. Its sad, but I cant wait to see you start living again. When you close one door, another one opens ❤️

  7. I wish I had words to make you fell better, but I think youre making the right decision for yourself. At least you have the memories and pictures to hold on to right? :D

  8. A really hard decision I'm sure. Time to heal though! Your health is most important.

  9. Sending you jingles to get through this tough time..xx

  10. i'm sorry this chapter is closing for now - but wishing you all the best to heal and recover and enjoy more time feeling better!!! (i also LOVE your sense of humor with the organs - spleen simmons!!!!! - keep it up!!)

  11. Sorry that you have to leave something you love and are so passionate about behind, but you have to look after yourself as well as you have cared for countless animals.
