
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Even More Wedding Pictures!

If you guys like pictures (and I know you do) I got even more from my wedding. Looks so warm and cozy in those pictures. Too bad it is 14 degrees out right now...
You may now kiss the handsome beast.

Holy crap. I'm married.

Hugs for the brother/dog wrangler.

The most beautiful flower dog. Also, the most weird.

Meaty. The ring bearer. But not actually trusted with the rings.

The bridal party getting their grub on. Not sure what the hell I am looking at.

We were having troubles. And my mouth is always open apparently.

Really. The hell I'm looking at?

You wish you had a computer science/racehorse paddock boy/motocross riding/cowboy husband.

Dancing in front of people is weird.

There are a few pictures of me in not so feminine stances. It's great.

I'm loving redheadlins' hubs in the window.

The photo room! 

And a little ring toss action.

Visiting the ponehs. The groomsmen in the foreground is from Romania, and is scared to death of them. He is probably running away there.

That groomsmen is not from Romania. He is not so scared.


Smile Vegas.

What if I give you a kiss?

Sorry. Forgot you weren't a lesbian.

At least you have a cute head.

Sorry Goose. I'll bring her back!

See. There's that damn non-Romanian one. Not scared. Stole my ride.

I would be worried too, Vegas.

Nervous horse is nervous.

I really like this picture.

Being a good pony.

Waterfall, paddle boats, crap ton of people, music, decorations and a big loud dress on her. And had only been ridden once before a couple of days before the wedding. Last ride before that? Three months. Good little paint.


  1. Beautiful photos, looks like a fab day was had by all human & animal alike ☺

  2. These pictures are GORGEOUS! Your wedding looks like it was a wonderful day :)

  3. It was a lovely day! You crack me up:)

  4. Gorgeous photos! Thanks for sharing.

  5. These are so great :) Our dogs were in our wedding too!

  6. Love the shots of you riding Vegas! Gorgeous.

  7. Amazing pictures, and looks like an even more amazing wedding. I think the biggest part of the reason myself and my guy didn't have a wedding is the fact I would want to invite all of our pets and the logistics of that seem a little overwhelming, Your pics make me want to try, though :))

  8. But those horse pictures :O

    And of course U-nasty (Eugene's new name) creepin in the window

  9. What gorgeous pictures. Is that "something blue" I see on the browband? Love every little detail!
