
Wednesday, September 24, 2014


We want to practice cantering jumps.
Ugh. I feel like my blog has become a place where I whiiiiine, But sometimes, I just need to. This disease or problem or whatever I have is very slowly tearing me apart. I made the choice to not ride alone earlier this summer after I almost passed out riding Bacon. It is now to the point where I don't ride because I just can't.
We want to do more cross country!!!
I had the tremors going on mostly in the left hand, but now I sometimes get the whole body shakes. I am incredibly weak, and get out of breath when I feed the ponies, let alone do anything else. I sometimes have difficulty writing and speaking to clients at the vet clinic. Every day is a hard and not so good day. I just stand and stare at my ponies, especially Bacon. She places her head on my chest and just breathes her warm sweet breath onto it.
We want to practice our dressage skillz.
I have plans, I have goals. I want to go to more derbies next year, at the Novice level. I want to do my first actual three day event. I want to do jumper shows and even dressage shows. And I will NOT let this crap bring me down all the way.
I want to ride with friends.
My other difficulties include my "arena" and not having a truck or trailer sized big enough for Bacon to fit into. My arena is about the size of a 50ft round pen, only square. I can only do so much with my horses when all I can do is jump, turn, jump, turn. I can't really work on lengthening or allow my horse to move freely forward, or put a course together. My other option would be to get a truck and trailer and be able to bring her places where we could do that. But, I have a boy who has picked his ideal truck, and it is quite the pretty penny. And he has his mind set on what kind of trailer he wants too. So hopefully we can purchase those things sometime next year after he graduates.
I just want to ride.
Until then, I am certainly stuck. I can't go anywhere, I can't even ride, I can't progress.

I don't know why I am in such a hurry. But I hope my doctor's appointment tomorrow brings me closer to identifying what I have. I have been bit by the eventing bug, and it has taken over.


  1. I'm sorry :( Hope the health issues are fixed quickly so you can get back to it!

  2. It is ok to whine. Sometimes it feels like a lot life is throwing at you. But hold fast to those goals. It will get better and this will be a memory. Hope you're better soon!

  3. Health issues are no fun. I hope you are able to figure it out so you can accomplish all your goals. Positive Vibes!

  4. Sending lots of ((hugs)) and positive vibes!

  5. I'm so sorry you're going through this! Complaining about stuff like that is 100% okay. You deserve some complaining time. Sending hugs!

  6. Sometimes you just have to get things off your chest!! So sorry you are feeling crappy. :( Hopefully the doctor has some good news! Sending healing vibes!

  7. Sending positive thoughts. I've had my case of the downs too.

  8. I hate feeling sick and/or stuck...and you've got both. Hang in there!

  9. It's a good place to whine. Here's to getting you sorted out enough to ride again. :-(

  10. your goals are so awesome - and they seem so *close*! i hope you and your medical team can get a grip on whatever is going on so that you can just keep trucking. wishing you all the best!

  11. Hugs and good vibes for your appointment and a speedy resolution!

  12. Hang in there! I hope you get some good news from the doctor and feel better soon.

  13. Here's hoping you feel better soon! Sucks not to be able to ride :(

  14. :-( I hope you start feeling better soon!
