
Friday, August 15, 2014

The Blues

Some Bacon love.
It has been a rough and tumble kind of week. And I am exhausted. My wedding is in 16 days and I am just all flustered. I gave myself an ulcer with the combo of meds I am on plus a few too many ibprofen. Whoops. I received news that one of our technicians is leaving, and then I was approached with picking up all of her hours. Which, at this time, is NOT possible with this whole wedding business.
That following day, I became extremely uncomfortable at work and felt like I was going to pass out again. When we closed up I headed over to our friend's house, which is a short drive from work, and laid in his lawn for about a half an hour to try and settle down. It worked, and I made it home.
He has saved me a couple times at work. And we are training him to help with race ponies!
Wednesday, I went to my first neuro appointment, when they placed electrode things on my arms and shocked them, and then put needles in my arms and moved them around. Not sure on the results, but I can tell you the assistant was nice and we talked about her showing her dogs and arabs, and me and my girls. It was distracting.
That face is also distracting.
That night we had a large storm pass through. I do not do well with storms. It sounded like a tornado was going through, which easily woke me up and I glued myself to Blake. I looked down, and my normally calm Roxy Moo was as close to me as she could possibly be. And the giant wuss dog was sound asleep, just like his dad. That next day, I tried to leave to go to work, and my truck wouldn't even attempt to start. After Blake messed with it, we got it to start and run, but it wouldn't restart.
Kind of like a storm telling me to go to bed. I ain't trustin' your ass.
So here I am today, stranded. I have some zits on my face that are so swollen, and making the whole thing painful. My stomach is killing me, as is my head, and I can't take anything for it. And based on my truck issues, buying several ton of hay tomorrow, buying railroad ties (to finally finish our paint girls' pen because somebody mentioned to me on Wednesday that they only had bale of hay left, thanks for the heads up) I probably won't be able to get the boots I had my eyes on for my wedding. So, old boots it is.
Sigh. My boots. Well, they were gunna be.
But you know what? It could always be worse. I get to marry the most handsome computer science motocross ridin' cowboy here soon, and all of my family will be in one spot at one time for the first time ever. My ponies will all be in one spot, nobody is lame or injured, and I have the cutest dogs to ever slime the world. And after the wedding, I can do all the derbies and trials and crap I want, says the boy!
Elephant horse comes home!

I get to marry that. 


  1. Holy fuck balls, that clown thing will haunt me for the rest of my days.

  2. That clown is fucking scary.

    Feel better, try to relax and definitely enjoy your wedding.


  3. For real, that clown is awful!!

    Sounds like you have a ton on your plate-but go do something ridiculously selfish-or at least plan doing it! Look up derbies for post-wedding blissful riding, or youtube adorable horse videos. It's going to be great!

  4. Awww, I didn't know you were marrying an adorable white foal!
    Seriously though, I hope you feel better soon. Your wedding is going to be so awesome. :-)
    P.S. I think that clown might give me nightmares...

    1. Ha! That mini mule is pretty much equivalent to satan.

  5. Hope you feel better soon, great that all the family & animals can make your big day.
    Congratulations & enjoy it!

  6. It will all be worth it when you walk down the aisle to your man!!!

  7. It will be awesome...and then alllllllllllllll the horse things!

  8. I got married May 16 of this year and I totally hear you! I pretty much started compulsively eating for all the hours I was awake. I slept for 14 hours a night for the first 3 nights of my honeymoon (I am so much fun to honeymoon with...not!). I promise you that it's all worth it and it gets better! :)

  9. Yeesh, that clown is fucking scary!
    Sorry about all the wrong things going on for you, but at least you have an amazing day to look forward to, and will be permanently linked to your best friend for the rest of your life :) Congratulations!!

  10. "and I have the cutest dogs to ever slime the world." Amen. =]
