
Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Dressed. And ready to...impress? Nah!
Well, Bacon, the Sprinklerbandit, and myself made a trip a couple hours away for a cross country clinic and derby this past weekend. And it was pretty much just completely awesome. And because of all of the awesome, I will have to break the post down into the three different days.

So, alas, I give you day one.

Actually, I will briefly state that the evening before, my horse traveled well, and survived through the night (despite all of my negative thinking and nightmares).
Ready to learn. And try not to die.
This was my first overnight trip with a horse ever. So I was extra nervous. It was also my second clinic, and first time riding with this clinician. I have been around her and her barn, but she had no idea what she was dealing with. Really. And with my health issues lingering on my brain, I was nervous as to how I would hold up in the heat and sun. Fortunately, one girl traded her ride time (which was earlier) with me, so it wasn't as hot when I rode. I think it turned out for the best, because the group I got to ride with was great.

Sprinklerbandit was on photography duty, water duty, health watch, etc...and she did so well! Day one started out with grid and course work. None of which I have ever done. And it was probably pretty obvious. Immediately, I changed my position based of what the clinician said, and felt a lot stronger. I never noticed that my hands were all over the place. I don't know how. I was also asked to change the length of my stirrups.
Hey there thoroughbred, how about we canter in this large open field for the first time ever?
We had to trot and canter through four poles on the ground, which were then raised after a couple of run throughs. Bacon took a good look at them every time we went through. After a bit of that, we started to add in jumps and create a little course. We had to do sharp turns, and cantering. Which may not seem like a big deal, but when you haven't really done it, it is a little exciting. And so was my horse. And so was my breathing. I tried to correct Bacon when she was on the wrong lead and realized that I could not catch my breath. I was able to pull her up, and started my little asthma attack...yep. A little embarrassing.
Pure skillz. We know you jealous.

How NOT to canter over raised poles.
Aimee came over with rather large eyes, and tried to hand me a water bottle. And then somebody else came running with the clinician's inhaler. I brought mine, but it was in the car. Being extra useful. My left hand was numb, and the tip of my ring finger was tingling (and continued to tingle for almost 24 hours). I am going to tell you now that it is difficult to ride when you can't feel the rein in your hand. Oh well!
Lattice jump? No biggie.

Open the chest and collarbones, practice keeping hands together...

After I was able to catch my breath and hydrate, I came back over to join the group. And the coursework continued. Bacon tried hard and did her best at everything I asked. I was so proud of her!
I just love this Bacon horse!


  1. Yahoo so much fun! Except for the body issues, boo! Seriously though that shot of bacon cantering that jump is epic!

  2. That last picture, with the mountains in the background is gorgeous!

  3. looks like a blast! I did laugh at the bunny/deer hybrid jumping style over the raised pole, but agreed - the last picture is gorgeous.

  4. SB managed to capture some FANTASTICLY timed shots! The ones of the raised poles are quite funny, but the rest are awesome!

  5. those pics doh!
    especially the canter poles ahhaa

  6. You guys were awesome! And yeah, I am now more educated about asthma. Maybe I should have mentioned I had no idea what an attack looked like?
